Tomorrow is the feast day of the Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, and with all feast days involving the Vladimir Icon (there are three) I try to celebrate in my own limited way. It is not that I am a
Slavophile (much as I like Russia) but my departed Mother blessed me with a wonderful copy, and I celebrate the three feasts as a kind of memorial to her memory, and to call our Lady's patronage upon my self and my family. This particular feast was founded as a memorial of the repulse of a Tatar assault on Russia in 1395. A complete account can be found
here at the website of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in D.C. The picture above is of my copy of the Icon with flowers that I picked for tomorrow's feast day. I ask your prayers for my self, my family, and especially my departed Mother (note that she was not Orthodox) and wish you all a happy feast day.
Tropar: Today the most glorious city of Moscow is resplendently jubilant, receiving thy wonder-working icon as a ray of the sun, O Lady. As we now have recourse to it, we pray to thee and call out thus: O most wonderful Lady, Mother of God, pray to Christ our God, Who was incarnate of thee, that He deliver this city, and all Christian cities and countries, and preserve them without harm from all assaults of the enemy, and that He save our souls, since He is merciful.
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