In Diveyevo a plan was preserved that was drawn by Fr. Seraphim. According to his prophecy, at the end of time the Monastery would be spread out as far as the shores of the Vichkenzy River (now it is a pond), and the Kazan church as well as the parish priests' houses would be within the monastery walls. That is why the stone wall that surrounds the Monastery was built only to the north, east and south, while to the west was only a simple wooden fence. After the revolution this fence was torn down and a bazaar was held on the Monastery's territory every Monday, which disturbed the life of the Monastery. Several monastic quarters in that area were taken away and occupied during that time.
The monastery was always divided between the old and the new sections. The old monastery began with Mother Alexan dra's quarters and occupies the entire northwestern portion; there the monastery garden was located, and beside the new buildings was a little old building where Blessed Pelagea Ivanovna labored in asceticism. Her cell was preserved as it was during her lifetime. A perpetual Psalter reading was carried out there—twelve elder sisters read by turns day and night. This building was called ”Blessed Pelagea's hermitage.” Over Mother Alexandra's cell was built an encasement, which formed a second story. Here lived the sisters who took care of the First Abbess' quarters and the Nativity Churches, where perpetual candles were kept (in the upper church) and a perpetual lampada (in the lower church). In the lower church of the Nativity of the Theotokos the Psalter was read perpetually,[4] and only interrupted from Wednesday of Passion Week until after Small Vespers on Saturday of Bright Week.
The hermitage of Blessed Natalia Ivanovna[5] was located in the center of the Monastery, at the end of the Canal. The hermitage was preserved as it was during the blessed one's life, and the Psalter was read perpetually there also. The Psalter was also read perpetually in St. Seraphim's near hermitage, which had been brought from the Sarov forest (near the spring). An encasement was built which contained the log frame. Blessed Prascovia Ivanovna's cell was also preserved, and the Psalter was read there night and day by designated sisters. In Mother Alexandra's cell the Psalter was read by twelve sisters.....
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